We are seeing God’s hand moving in significant ways this year! Multiple salvations every service, miracles of healing, an increase in all major areas of ministry, lots of new people, and most important – the presence of God touching all who participate in our gatherings. It’s true that as culture gets darker the church shines brighter! We get to experience this on a weekly basis. Our vision remains the same. We are committed to “reaching people far from God” and leading them to a “new life in Christ”. Life is short, eternity is real, and people matter most!
We are approaching our yearly Legacy season where we have opportunities presented to make a difference in the lives of people through sacrificial giving. This year’s Legacy offering will allow us to help cover the cost of the Napa Women’s Center transition from a counseling center to a medical center enabling them to better help pregnant woman choose life over abortion, support missions work in El Nino, Mexico, and locally help our student campus clubs reach high school students in Napa with the love of God and a caring community on their school campuses. We are also expanding our local marketing campaign to let our community know they are welcome here. Maybe you’ve seen us on the back of buses or in local magazine ads. We want to do more to let people know we are here for them. Our prayer is that everyone who calls TFH Napa their home would be involved. All we ask you to do is pray and then obey what the Lord asks of you to give.
“Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God can bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-8
What a year it’s going to be!
Over the years, TFH Youth has been a source of hope, guiding students who are far from God towards a meaningful relationship with Him. TFH Youth places great importance on the role of financial support in reaching the youth. By generously supporting TFH Youth, we are not just contributing to the present; we are sowing the seeds for generations to come. Every gift made contributes to the future of our youth, our churches, and our communities. It is a commitment to a world where young people get to encounter God’s love, establish healthy and lasting friendships, and where they positively influence the future of the next generation within the local church.
This year, we would like to focus our support of Youth on campus clubs. Campus clubs provide a bridge from schools to the local church by partnering with students who host Christian clubs on campus during school hours. The mission of campus clubs is to connect students with the local church. Your financial support plays a vital role in ensuring that young people continue to thrive and leave a lasting impact. Your generosity will empower these students to become leaders and influencers, positively shaping the world around them.
At the heart of Napa Valley, there exists a haven of compassion and hope – the Napa Women’s Center. Their mission is clear: to empower women and men facing the uncertainty of unplanned pregnancies with the knowledge, resources, and support they need to make well-informed decisions. Napa Women’s Center is a nonprofit, driven by a deep commitment to serve their community. They rely on the generosity of individuals, churches, and businesses in the community. They do not accept federal funding, which allows them to maintain unwavering dedication to their mission and principles.
Napa Women’s Center recognized the need for a place where individuals facing unplanned pregnancies could find comfort, accurate information, and non-judgmental support. Today, this vision is a living testament to our commitment to empowering women and men during a challenging time in their lives. Napa Women’s Center is dedicated to offering accurate information about abortion procedures and associated risks.
In Matthew 28, Jesus tells us to help people from all around the world become followers of him. This is important because it can change the lives of both those who help and those who come to believe.
This year, one of our three main focuses is on Missions. This means we want to help meet practical needs and share our faith with people around the world. We’re working together with Kingdom Builders Ministries on a mission that your generosity has already made a huge impact on. Kingdom Builders has built 54 churches and more than 700 homes in Tijuana, Mexico and nearby areas.
that not only helps people spiritually but also provides practical help to the community.
Your generous donations will go directly towards buying land, purchasing building materials, and paying for the workers. This will kickstart a positive change that will last for many generations to come in Mexico. And here’s something special: you can also join us on this mission trip. You can use your hands and your heart to help build this church and make a difference in the lives of many.
Gifts to Legacy General will be used for all Legacy lanes as needed.