90 Day Tithe Challenge

Why take the challenge?

How it Works

Sign up for the challenge

Simply let us know you are taking the challenge by filling out the "Take the Challenge" form below.

Commit to give 10%

Begin tithing (giving the first 10%) of your income to God. Commit to doing this the full 90 days. You can give via cash, check, or securely online.

Check your inbox weekly

We get it, tithing is a step of faith. Over the 90 days our pastoral team will walk you through what the Bible says about why we tithe.

10 Reasons

Why we tithe

  1. We tithe because the first and the best belongs to the Lord.
  2. We tithe because wisdom cries out that we should.
  3. We tithe because New Testament believers gave a percentage of their income consistently and generously.
  4. We tithe because Jesus never negated or abolished the practice of tithing.
  5. We tithe because it is a starting point for New Testament giving.
  1. We tithe because it releases the blessing of God.
  2. We tithe because of grace, but we are not legalistic!
  3. We tithe because it all belongs to God in the first place.
  4. We tithe because it’s remained the established doctrine and practice of great leaders and churches throughout history.
  5. We tithe because one day we will give an account!
  6. Want to go deeper? Read What is a Tithe?

Are you ready to take the Tithe Challenge?

Take The Challenge


Share Your Story

Have you taken the 90-Day Tithe Challenge? If so, we want to hear your story of what God did in your life as a result.

Share Your Story

If you have any questions about the Tithe Challenge, please feel free to email [email protected]

